The Redbourne Group is a leading Australian provider of custom solutions that blend software development and people support to deliver key business processes and information management.

We have close to two decade’s experience in delivering bespoke custom solutions to federal and state government agencies as well as market leading commercial applications.

The spheres that we operate in are the most sensitive, secure areas of information processing – police, health, financial transactions and childcare. The majority of our custom development happens onshore in Australia, and we are proud to employ a diverse workforce.

Due to our experience and staff loyalty we are well positioned to bring custom solutions to market quickly – and have done this many times for large client engagements.

The 7 key elements to our Custom Solutions

  • 1. Identify

    When developing new applications or custom solutions, Redbourne’s starting point is: ‘What do customers need? Not, ‘What do others do?’ This goes to the heart of understanding our client’s needs and their vision.

  • 2. Involve

    Whatever segment we work in, we look to involve and engage industry experts, so we fully understand the environment, challenges, best practices and what’s on the horizon. A key outcome at this stage is to design a roadmap and strategic plan to scope the solution and how it will be implemented, noting any technical and human change management and training aspects.

  • 3. Innovate

    In developing software solutions we seek to do things smarter, better and simpler, joining the dots to understand how our solutions can improve information management, flow and decision making. This leads into building and customising.

  • 4. Inform

    Throughout the process we seek to gain insights through asking for feedback from clients, developers and end users. At this stage, that could include migration and cleansing of data, systems integrations and other preparation in the process of finalising development.

  • 5. Intuit

    Building intuitive solutions are an important part of our design brief. We do usability testing to map intuitiveness of our software, to understand the path users take when using the software and to ensure the information they most need is close to hand. We also enable sandbox testing.

  • 6. Implement

    We work hand in hand with our clients to implement our solutions. This includes pre and post training, plus a large support team available to help with any queries. Our goal is to ensure everyone masters the new solution as soon as possible and is confident using it.

  • 7. Improve

    We continue to gain feedback on our custom solutions including recommended improvements and wish lists. Industry, customer and technology changes will continue and aid the continuous improvement process.

The Extra Mile

For specific client engagements we do what has to be done to make those engagements and clients successful – be that scaling up quickly, having higher benchmarks in place, identifying the bigger picture and risk scenarios. This is one of the ways we care to be different. 

Pre-built Frameworks

The Redbourne Group is strong in the provision of corporate and business services and has component and framework solutions that can be quickly deployed to fast track other custom requirements.

These include quality management systems and governance applications, client portals, document management and library systems, task management, and much more.

With our understanding of business processes and skills in automation, Redbourne can rapidly develop professional and quality solutions that dramatically improve processes saving time and money for clients.

We care to
be different

Our Values

and People!

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